
  • Headshot of Avery Ebron wearing a blue shirt and suspenders in front of a brick wall.

    Avery Ebron

    Avery (he/him) works with under-appreciated communities to develop equitable products and spaces for their collective benefit, joy, and power. As Director of Community Products, Avery focuses on the development and delivery of The Guild’s offerings to build community wealth and self-determination, namely the Community Stewardship Trust.

  • Headshot of Dean Bardouka wearing a dark green button up shirt in front of a brick background.

    Dean Bardouka

    I saw the parts of me that are good and also all of the parts of me that were grotesque and ugly. I think it is easy for people to see the good stuff already…I want people to see the monsters I saw in the mirrors and the deformities and scared children and see how far I have come. To say “Oh!…this is how far he has come, and to fully understand that ALL of my versions are doing the best that they can – they are trying their best.

  • Headshot of Diana Marie Lee wearing a silver necklace and black shirt against a blue sky background.

    Diana Marie Lee

    Diana Marie Lee (she/they) is an Alchemist and Warrior, paving a path for them and others to embrace their sadness, dignity and carefree spirit as they liberate themselves and others from all layers of oppression from their lived and work experiences…all towards reawakening joy, faith and well-being.

  • Headshot of Lynn Johnson wearing a black and green printed dress in front of a white background.

    Lynn Johnson

    I am limitless. I am powerful and afraid. I take up all the space at the same time I make space for all my siblings to shine. I trust my wisdom at every turn, doubting myself every step of the way. I am an artist, a parent, a wife, a sister, and CEO. I am a fabulous and flawed. It means a lot to me to be your friend. I am Black and queer, with the courage and imagination to turn it all upside down and back again.

  • Headshot of Marie Koesnodihardjo wearing a black and white polkadot dress in front of Lake Merit.

    Marie Koesnodihardjo

    I want people to see my multitudes, thank them and dance with me as I celebrate the wisdom and intuition my multitudes have provided me with. I want to learn to bask in the light of the moon and explore my darker sides, allowing light to shine on them.

  • Headshot of Samuel Gonzalez wearing a grey tshirt in front of a lush tropical wallpaper.

    Samuel González

    I am an amalgam of soul and body, with a mind and heart to link the two. I look with the eyes of my ancestors and see what is not always noticed. I am an interpreter of energy. I recognize the synergy of the collective as necessary in this world. We need each other. I want people to experience my playfulness and creativity, as well as my darkness.

    I center Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous, and people of color (QTBIPOC). These are the people I come from. These are the identities I embody. These are the folks with whom I practice fugitivity*.

    I don’t believe in the binary in any of its forms. Gender, right and wrong, good and evil are all binaries. I use they/them/elle/ellx pronouns. I am expansive. I am multiplicity.

    I want to work with artists. I want to guide us to our individual self-actualization. Reclaiming Indigenous and diasporic ways of being. How can our communities be well if we are not well. How can an artist create from a place of their true self if they don’t know who they are. Let’s undo what we have been taught and test that knowledge to see what sticks.